At the end of 2019, my brother and I made a pact to both release new music in 2020. You all may remember that I did back in August (I wouldn’t shut up about it all year), and now Bryn’s done it too with his own collection of acoustic chantey-style covers. What’s more, he asked me to do the artwork!
So congrats to Bryn on the release of his new mini-album of chantey-style cover songs. The one-time Honey White frontman and Radblaster lead axe unplugs for a set of traditional tunes and personal faves. He is backed by me (bass) and Chris Barry (drums) on two songs, and he’s singing and strumming up a storm on all seven, with an arsenal of acoustic guitar, mandolin, tricordia, tenor banjo, bouzouki, and ukulele.
“Hulled Between Wind and Water” came together in snatches of time here and there over several years in the past decade, but it’s out now in all its glory on Bryn’s new Bandcamp page to listen & download. Go get ’em!