Producing back-to-back AIGA design events this past weekend would have been impossible without tons of help. Convert Like Crazy and Portfolio Day 2016 went great and I have lots of you to thank, so may I present the AIGA SB April Double-Header Weekend Honor Roll:
AIGA SB Volunteers: Jennie Jacobs, Nicki Gauthier, Gen Matsui, Cassi Lindberg, Patty Devlin-Driskel, David Cowan, Marianne Cothern, Susan LeVine, Anna Lafferty, Jan Helsel, Tom Hinkle.
Presenters & Reviewers: Julia Sevin, Lianna Patch, Ben Blanchard, Rachel Elnar, Jon Leslie, Kevin Mapp, Ryan Garcia, Jean-Paul Tummler, Rebecca Ek, Lee Ann Engle, Laura Strohbusch, Angela Milosevic.
Partners & Sponsors: Jacob Tell (Oniracom), Kyle Ashby (StartupSB), Lee Abbott, Barbara Obermeier (Brooks Institute), Summer Hodges & Lisa Riolo (workzones).
I know everyone’s time is valuable, so I’m grateful to you all for helping AIGA SB make these two fun events possible. Thank you!
Photos: Learned about how to execute smart design & snappy copy at “Convert Like Crazy” with Julia Sevin and Lianna Patch at workzones in SB. Photos by Jacob Tell, Kyle Ashby and me. Playing tour guide, chauffeur, fixer, and “best host ever” for Julia and Lianna all over the 805. Photos by Julia, Lianna, and me. AIGA SB’s 8th annual Portfolio Day (my 2nd as president) at Brooks Institute in Ventura. Photos by Jennie Jacobs and Marianne Cothern.
Event recaps (via the AIGA SB site):