Finally, after months and months, it’s here! My first solo release, a demo EP called “Rotten Miracles.” Listen to it right here (and buy on Bandcamp and soon, iTunes!):
Rotten Miracles by Keir DuBois
Twenty years into an expensive hobby called “music,” I’ve already got more than a dozen releases with the Mojo Wire, Honey White, Low Tide, and Radblaster—so why do a solo disc now? Well, why not? Skewed and surreal as it may be, this collection basically means I’ve successfully absorbed and interpreted the past decade or so of my professional life. It’s much easier than barfing out a second novel, and it probably sounds better, too. They’re only self-produced, home-made demos—and as such are simple and sparse. Unlike every other song I’ve written, the lyrics all came first, so the tunes are generally weird, ambient soundscapes that are probably much less complex than that description.
I played two bass guitars on these recordings: Liv (a Fender Modern Player Jazz Bass) and Jackie (a Fender Jaguar Bass). Sometimes I put them through several Boss pedals (DD3, RV5, and OC3). I also played minor percussion like shakers, sleigh bells and tambourine. The piano on “Rotten Miracles” was played by my brother Bryn in 2004 for his Honey White song “Let Go,” and I sampled and transposed it here.
Thanks to Emily DuBois for her love and support; Bryn DuBois, Brian Wolff, and Tad Wagner for their ears and sound opinions, and Julia Sevin for patiently teaching me to be zen as fuck.
DISCLAIMER: This album is best listened to at night, preferably about twenty minutes before sunrise. Creative professionals exposed to these songs for prolonged periods of time may experience everything from empathy to revulsion. The rest of you may simply fall asleep.