Taking this one public to force myself to improve it: an in-progress dataviz poster working with setlists from all 46 Mojo Wire & Honey White band gigs I was part of from 1996-2006. A 2019 goal for Tight Ship is to get more into dataviz and we’re doing it with personal projects first (similar to my bike posters).
It’s definitely a first draft, based on gig notes from mybandrocks.com and only showing songs vs shows (omitting a few duo shows of just Bryn & me), all colored to correspond with their respective albums (or colored tan if covers). Gonna try to integrate several more data sets in future versions: total shows per year, most-played songs (per band & total), number/frequency of gig locations (venues/cities), stuff like that.
I realize that only a few of y’all may appreciate this (like maybe the 5 other guys I was in bands with), but the reason I hype my old bands the way other people hype their high school sports career is because I learned lots about creativity, collaboration, compromise, and makin’ it work in those 10 years. Rock & roll was my design school/art school phase, I guess.
I’ll spin out more fun observations from this stuff in the future, which means more music/visuals etc in posts, stories etc. You’ve been warned.